

The Protestant Center for Pastoral Studies in Central America (CEDEPCA) joins our voice with the Latin American voice that cries out today against violence towards women: NotOneFewer! Based in our Christian faith, we make a call to our sisters and brothers to make a daily effort to make Jesus’ proclamation possible: “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” John 10:10 NRSV

There will not be abundant life for our peoples as long as thousands of women, girls, and older women continue to be disrespected, treated violently, and murdered on a daily basis. There will not be abundant life, as long as governments, churches, schools, families, organizations and social institutions continue promoting violence with misogynistic discourse and practices; nor will there be as long as the violence against women that occurs daily is neither made visible nor denounced.

May Jesus, who proclaims abundant life, come today to our peoples and remind us that abundant life has the face of women and men who live in equality and respect.

May we all live without violence!

May we have abundant life!

#NotOneFewer #NiUnaMenos #WeWantToLive #VivasNosQueremos