Biblical and Theological Education
Women's Ministry
Disaster Ministry
Intercultural Encounters
The Protestant Center for Pastoral Studies in Central America (CEDEPCA) is an educational institution that contributes to the transformation of lives and contexts by providing training and accompaniment, and by offering spaces for reflection to women and men from diverse Christian traditions, communities and contexts.
Reflection: Life in Community
In the CEDEPCA staff devotional on April 13, the Disaster [...]
Virtual Journey: “Reading the Bible With New Eyes” Learning and Practicing Life-Giving Faith in Guatemala
Join us for the next Virtual Journey on May 19, [...]
An Easter reflection
An Easter reflection written by the Rev. Canon Dr. Esau [...]
Note Delia Leal
The Protestant Center for Pastoral Studies in Central America (CEDEPCA), [...]
Advent 2020
Advent (Lat. Adventus: advent, coming, arrival) is the celebration that [...]
Guatemala Virtual Jurney: “Education in Guatemala: Challenges and Changes in the Wake of COVID-19.”
Calling all travelers and learners! Have you traveled to Guatemala [...]